

ECE Corporate Advisory Council Members


Noah Schmitz
Director of University Development for the Americas
Keysight Technologies







Roger Stancliff
CTO, Education Solutions
Keysight Technologies





Keysight Technologies' Commitment to Universities

Keysight Technologies takes an active role in supporting higher education and research around the world. University programs at Keysight Technologies include:

  • Applications and Core Technology University Research (ACT-UR)
  • Keysight Technologies Early Career Professor Award
  • Equipment Loans & Donations to Professors
  • Curriculum & Laboratory Teaching Kits
  • Branded Laboratories
  • Grant Support Program
  • Matching Personal Gifts of Employee Donations
  • Professors @ Keysight Technologies
  • Jobs @ Keysight Technologies
  • Education Discount Programs


Corporate Profile

Keysight Technologies - Teach with the Best...Learn with the Best. As the world's premier measurement company, Keysight Technologies offers the broadest range of innovative measurement solutions in the industry. Keysight's measurement products have a long history of use in University labs. The company provides a wide range of test equipment, from general-purpose basic instruments to high-performance RF and microwave products. Keysight has the measurement expertise, materials, and instrumentation to enable educators to create world class electronics labs for teaching and research. Your school deserves the best...you need Keysight Technologies.